Using Books to Encourage First Words
Once your child is beginning to enjoy reading with you and looking at pictures, books can become a great tool for highlighting all the foundational skills that support using words. In this video, we spotlight 12 of our favorite books for following directions, encouraging imitation, promoting gestures, and using first words.
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As pediatric speech and language pathologists, we've seen the magic a good book can bring to an interaction. With our books series we've curated lists of our favorite books to use in speech and language therapy based on the skills you are hoping to share with your child. For each book on the list, we demonstrate how we like to read the book in order to offer the most opportunities for language development.
Getting Interested in Books
was created for:
- children who aren't yet interested in books or have limited attention to books
- children who are not yet using many words or gestures
- parents who are looking for ideas for helping their child become interested in books
First Words
was created for:
- children who are beginning to show more interest in books and can pay attention to pictures on a page
- children who are not yet using many words or gestures
- parents who are looking for ideas for using books to encourage first words and gestures
Growing Language
was created for:
- children who show interest in books and enjoy listening to stories
- children who are using single words and gestures consistently
- parents who are looking for ideas for helping their child's language develop further